Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Potty-Training Diaries: Day 2 (oops)

So today won't have quite as many updates... It's my birthday!  The big 3-1! Where the hell did the last 10 years go?!? Nuts.
Anywho, we're out for some of the day today, just going to put him in pants with a pull up over the top (then he will feel wet, but we don't get the stress of it as much)
But wanted to share a cute moment from this morning.
I came into the bathroom to find JJ stood at the toilet with his bare bum out for all to see. JD was stood next to him, pants down and showing how he used the toilet! He then proceeded to show the whole, pull up pants, wash hands (with soap) etc.
I know it sounds a bit bizarre but it was such a sweet brothers moment.

No wee in the toilet though...  Ah well.

I can hear my lovely husband putting the boys to bed, so thought I'd finish today's quick update. 
So Big A had a very smart idea of great distraction techniques whilst on the potty. I had a nice long hot bath, and I could hear them banging away on saucepans downstairs. As it transpired, JJ was sat on the potty the whole time, making a right happy riot for half an hour or so. 
Buuut no wees. 
After, he got him playing with lego for ages whilst sat on his special throne... Again, no wees!  Ugh. 
 10 mins later... Wet pants... Wee on his matress! Damn it!! 

We were out all day so it sort of slipped after that. Oops! 
Try again tomorrow! 

On a plus side, I just had a giant flake birthday cake! So I'm in a fairly cheerful mood ;) 

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