I was so smug yesterday... thinking we were making progress... buuut whilst I like my stories to have a "happy ending", I feel like this one might be unsatisfactory, unresolved and a "to-be-continued" type ending. But... I'll give it until tomorrow evening at least.
So my plan today was to stay with him, play games, be 100% switched on, so that I could catch any beginnings of urinal output. Well guess what? I was. For hours, I was, and there was nufink.
Then I got a message from my sister about food for a get together on Sunday, I reply, he wonders off whilst I'm doing it, and THAT is when he decides to spray the floor!!! Gaaaaahhhh!
I decorated some chocolate digestives with royal icing yesterday at a sugarcraft class... He's had his eye on one with a spider web design all morning. I promised he could have it if he weed in the potty. About 20 mins ago, he wanted to have a try and sat on it with a distinctively "trying for the loo" look about him. I really genuinely thought he might manage to squeeze one out. He kept looking between his legs to see of he had done one. It was pretty cute...
But he didn't manage any... So we figured there was none available.
Buuut literally 5 mins later he wees all over a lovely cushion that my sister in law had sent me from the Far East!! Waaaaaa!!!
Managed to catch him mid weeing on the carpet, and quickly drag him, pants and all, onto the potty.. so a very small, and sieved through Batman pants, amount was collected. He was pretty chuffed with himself!
Well I put him in pull ups to get JD from school, and then he stayed in them. I did read somewhere something about not doing it for the full day if they're getting stressed with it.
I really am starting to think he is not ready. I hate to feel like a failure, but he's just not getting it! I might have to just give him a break for a week or two and then readdress it. He gets really tantrum-y and freaked out every time I suggest sitting on the potty, and I don't want to emotionally scar the boy!
Final count:
Wees in potty: 1/2!
Verdict: I might need to give up 😐 I'll give it one more day though.
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