"hahaha...Mummyyyyyyy, hahaha! Joey took his nappy off and weed on his bed!!"
That was my 6:20am wake up this morning! Ooooh the joys and glamour of parenthood. Big A and I take turns dealing with the kids in the early hours, and lucky old me, it was my turn.
"Where will you go for the next wee wee JJ?"
"Da bed"
"No no! I mean your next wee! When you need another one? Where does it go?"
"in da bed!"
"Noooo!!" *and repeat*
Uuuggghhh here comes another one of those days!
I need to go food shopping... How the hell do people dedicate a whole week to uninterrupted potty training?! Right, pants + pull ups again!
HE POOPED IN THE POTTY!!!!! An honest to goodness huge mamma poop all in the potty!!!!!
Okay, so he was sat on there as his chair and I'd put on umizoomis (random, vaguely educational TV show) whilst I put away the shopping (and yes he peed in his pants/pull up combo whilst we were out!) so technically he didn't go over and choose to use it, but you know what, I'll take any victory I can get! Here's hoping the massive fuss and high fives I made of it will help!
Cakes and marshmallows for him!

15:02Currently sitting at 2 wees in the potty, both whilst he had already been put on the potty and was sitting there distracted by other things... I'm choosing to see this as progress ;)
Oh also... My house smells of pee mixed with fish! Niiiice (big A eats tinned fish for protein hits -yuck!)
I've just got back from being out at an outdoor production of Jane Ayre. Really great evening and lots of laughs (not at the play itself - that was excellent, but not a comedy ;))
It did make me wonder... How did they potty train back in the 19th century?! I can imagine they'd want to get kids out of those cloth nappy things asap! But would they have endured the same mind numbing and crazy struggle I wonder...
Anyway, no more potty deposits, but he was outside a lot of the afternoon post-school. Also it was that hot, that I can imagine his body was retaining all possible fluid! We did have a leakage in the evening, but we genuinely can't find the puddle of pee anywhere - eek!
Final count in potty: 2 wees, 1 poop
Elsewhere: not really sure... At least 3 or 4
Verdict: progress (I hope)
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